
How To Fully Blackout A Window

If you work nights, are sensitive to light, or want to improve your sleep, then making your bedroom as nighttime as possible is one of the about effective ways to improve your residuum.

Merely how do you make your sleeping accommodation pitch black – even during the mean solar day?

The almost constructive way to make your sleeping accommodation pitch black is to vesture a snug-fitting heart mask and use a blackout curtain that sits in front end of a blackout bullheaded (or another blackout window treatment like a window film) to completely cake light coming through the window.

I take personally worked nights, and so I know how hard it tin can be to get to sleep in the centre of the summertime when daylight is pouring in through the windows.

That's why I've shared with yous 19 of the best means to darken your bedroom for ameliorate slumber in the rest of this article.

Related: use these 12 thought and relaxation strategies to become to sleep faster.

How to Make Your Bedchamber Pitch Blackness

To make your bedchamber pitch black for better slumber, you lot should black out the windows, remove low-cal sources from inside the bedroom, and consider irresolute the decor and furniture arrangements.

More than information on how to do this below:

i: Black Out Your Windows

Well-nigh of the light coming into your bedroom will come from the windows, and so blacking them out using any of the following techniques will become a long way to making your chamber pitch black:

Coma Curtains

Blackout curtains or drapes (floor-length defunction) are an affordable way to block out a large percentage of the light that comes into your bedroom.

Blackout defunction tin can be fix like normal curtains – just brand sure that the drape rail is sturdy plenty to support the blackout curtains that tend to be slightly heavier than regular curtains.

Blackout defunction should cover the entire width and length of the window and even go across it.

To install blackout defunction properly and block out the maximum corporeality of lite, ensure that:

  • The curtain rod is installed four-5 inches (x-13 cm) to a higher place the window frame.
  • The total width of the curtain (both panels) is i.five-ii times the size of the window frame (measured from the outside).
  • The curtain extends at least one inch beyond the lesser of the window frame (longer is better if in that location is no air conditioner, heater, radiator, or other fixture below the window).

Also consider:

  • Overlapping double rods to ensure that the curtains tin can close fully in the eye and block out whatsoever light that might otherwise leak through.
  • Curtain rod wrap-arounds that allow the curtains to be drawn confronting the wall to stop calorie-free coming in around the edges of the curtains.
  • Integrating a 2d coma layer behind the blackout curtain to help create a100% pitch-black bedroom.


Dissimilar curtains and drapes, shades consist of textile that's wrapped around a horizontal rod and can exist pulled down to the bottom of the window just above the sill to block out a significant corporeality of light coming into your sleeping room.

For blacking out your bedroom, solid shades are better than slatted blinds because there are no gaps that could allow in light.

However, considering shades may not sit entirely flush confronting the window sill, they are best used in conjunction with a pair of blackout defunction that extend beyond the bottom of the window to completely cake out lite and brand your room pitch black.

The best types of shades to blackness out your sleeping accommodation are:

  • Cellular shades – available in single or double layers to block out light.
  • Roller shades – choose a loftier quality cloth to resist the wear and tear of utilize.
  • Roman shades – practical and flexible.

How to install window shades to blackness out your bedroom properly:

  • Measure the window inside and exterior the frame to ensure that the shades will fit tightly and not allow any calorie-free in effectually the edges.
  • Choose a thick blackout material that's opaque and won't let any low-cal in through the body of the shade.
  • In the instance of inside-mounted shades, the bracket is installed in the inner upper side of the window frame first, then the torso of the shade locks into the bracket. The shade width should be 1/iv-1/2 inch less than the window'southward inner width to fit perfectly and motion smoothly within the frame, while the height of the shade could be as long equally the inner window frame to sit down on it (merely not longer).
  • In the case of exterior-mounted shades, the bracket is installed on the forepart side of the top frame (some people prefer to install it on the wall). This will allow the shade to cover the frame width from side to side. Simultaneously, the tiptop of the shade should exist long enough to cover the whole window frame vertically.
  • Employ a light blocker channel or Magnetic Sleepy Tracks on the edges of the blinds to block out light whilst also giving the blinds a neat await.

The video beneath shows you how to properly install coma blinds to make your bedroom pitch black:

How to Install Total Blackout Bedroom Blinds

Coma EZ

Blackout EZ window treatments permit you to adhere the blackout textile over the edge of the window using Velcro – making it ideal for blacking out your room in a rented property or if you only demand to darken the room on occasions and don't want to install full blackout curtains.

Drape Liner

If you take drapes in place or tin't install an extra rod for a blackout drapery, yous can attach a coma panel with hooks or Velcro to the dorsum of the drape – which besides serves as a detachable selection – in instance yous don't demand it.

Look for a curtain liner that's thick plenty to block out ambient street lights, car headlights, and the sun – they can also act as thermal liners to help reduce your energy nib.

Magic Coma Blind

A magic blackout blind works like clingfilm – sticking to the surface of the window to block out the light – they are like shooting fish in a barrel to prepare and remove.

Paper Shade

Paper shades are an affordable and easy way to cake the light – they are trimmable and easy to adjust to the size that you need.

Blackout Window Film

Blackout picture show is an opaque window film that gets attached to the window glass using an adhesive – yous tin customize the size easily by cutting the cloth to fit.

Coma films can make the window pitch black and also provide privacy.

Garbage Numberless

Taping garbage bags that are at to the lowest degree 4-5 mm thick to your window frame is a cheap and quick way to block out the light coming through your windows.

Putting garbage numberless over the window (or fifty-fifty a movie poster) has been used successfully by Reddit users as a cost-constructive way to darken their chamber and get to sleep after working a nighttime shift.


Taping cardboard sheets to your window frame can provide a temporary set to stop calorie-free coming in through your windows – merely be aware that it won't wait skillful from the outside.

Aluminum Foil

Taping aluminium foil to the window with painter'south record or any depression-tack tape is an affordable way to darken your bedroom without damaging the glass or surrounding paintwork.


Cutting a piece of plywood and mounting it to the window frame using Velcro is a cheap and constructive way to completely block the light coming through your window without having to drill holes or make changes to the structure of the window fixtures.

DIY Material Curtain

If yous don't want to buy a drape, you lot tin can make your ain blackout curtain by layering thick material over the window and securing it in place using thumbtacks.


Layering canvass over the window is too a inexpensive and effective way to darken your bedroom.

2: Eliminate Bedroom Lite

Eliminating any light that comes from within your bedroom – no matter how small – using the checklist below is essential to brand your bedroom pitch black:

Unplug Electronics

Plow off TVs, computers, power indicators, charging cords, and anything else in the room that emits even the smallest amount of calorie-free since these calorie-free points can stand out when the rest of the room is otherwise very dark.

Switch Out Digital Clocks

Switching out your digital clock for a regular clock – or turning the clock away from you or covering it up – can help to reduce the calorie-free in your room and brand it easier to sleep if you have sleep anxiety and can't stop looking at the clock.

Secure the Door

Close the bedchamber door when you sleep and use a thick towel or coating to cover the gap underneath the door – a door draft stopper is an fantabulous investment to block light coming from underneath.

If your bedroom door has a door pane, brand sure it'due south covered with a thick material, a pillow, a blanket, or a permanent coma film.

Related: 19 ways to decorate your bedroom door to go far look cool and fashionable.

Wear an Eye Mask

Wearing an eye mask is 1 of the about effective means to make your room appear pitch black – look for a brand with padding effectually the edges and effectually the nose region to stop light from coming through.

3: Change the Decor and Piece of furniture Layout

To ensure that your chamber is totally pitch black, you should consider the following decor and furniture adjustments:

Paint the Walls a Darker Color

If y'all take a white or very calorie-free-colored room, then painting your bedroom a darker color can help to cease calorie-free from being reflected in your room and brand information technology look darker.

Rearrange the Room

If your bed is facing the window or any other lite source, then you should rearrange the furniture in a unlike direction – you might also like to follow the blueprint rules of Feng Shui to help balance the energy in the room for a more calming ambiance.

Combine the Eye Mask With Window Treatments

The well-nigh constructive way to make your bedroom pitch black is to wear a snug-fitting eye mask considering it will block most of the light from the windows and inside your room.

Just you should likewise blackness out your windows using both blackout defunction and a second blackout window treatment like a roller bullheaded or a curtain liner because virtually of the light will come up from the windows.

Painting the room a nighttime color and moving the furniture are optional merely certainly constructive when paired with the eye mask and blackout window treatments.

Related: how to warm upward a north facing bedroom.

Image Attribution and Licencing

Chief epitome: 'Design of Luxury Bedroom With Dark Interior' past Stephan Karg used with permission under the terms of Canva's One Pattern Utilize License Understanding.


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